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You have Infinite Potential! Explore It!


Updated: Jan 26, 2024

Scientific Meditation programs for Corporates -
Employees and Leadership

For corporates, institutions and governmental bodies, the Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation offers 11-day, 3-week and 6-week meditation programs that help participants to gain health and energy, positive mindset, greater personal resilience, improve emotional intelligence and deliver peak performance through personal transformations.

Targeted at leadership and employees alike, these programs are based on modern science including Quantum Physics, Neuroscience, and Epigenetics that scientifically explain the various processes and benefits of meditation.

The uniqueness of these programs is the emphasis on deep practice of meditation and learning scientific practical meditation wisdom. Meditation practice changes mindset. Meditation wisdom develops expansive thoughts and beliefs, leading to an empowering life. Maximum amount of time is allocated for practicing meditation and related processes during daily sessions of these programs.

Participants practice 35-40 min breath-mindfulness meditation daily and make meditation as a habit into their life by the time they complete a 6-week program, leading to a totally transformed individual, a vibrant workplace, and a prosperous organization.

These programs offer an immersive experience through several activities such as group meditations, wisdom master classes, wisdom book clubs, participant experience sharing, peer interaction and learning, mindful business leaders and guest masters` talks, for everyone to learn from, practice and contribute as well.

With all of these, the organizations benefit automatically from a workforce that embraces a growth mindset, has clarity of purpose, is more engaged and collaborative, is committed and accountable to self and the organization.

The Foundation also offers these programs as FREE public programs that often have the participation from hundreds of vibrant, trusting global individuals and leaders across dozens of countries. Most popular among these are ‘the 6-week meditation program for personal resilience and peak performance’, and the ‘3-week mindfulness program to expand awareness and life zest’. Be part of these programs for a quantum shift in your life!

These 2 programs are free. Do register and attend.

Register for our next 40-day Program called MIDDLEPATH from Jan 29th to March 8th, @

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