La Méditation, C'est Quoi ?
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La Méditation, C'est Quoi ?
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La Méditation, C'est Quoi ?
Explorons ...
New Batch dates & registration details will be announced soon.
Stay tuned for updated!
For Queries, Contact: +91 98862 59422

Free Introductory Session on October 19th & 20th, 2024
19th October 2024: 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM IST
Topic: What, Why & How of Meditation
20th October 2024: 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM IST
Topic: How Meditation Eliminates Stress & Improves Performance
20th October 2024: 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM IST
Topic: Manifestation Science for Growth
Become a Meditation Coach!
Would you like to transform others and create a world full of conscious leaders? Become a Meditation Coach!
The S-VYASA and Buddha CEO Certified Scientific Meditation Coach Program enables you, as a certified meditation coach, to empower others to live a purpose-driven life and become the best version of themselves. By doing so, you’ll contribute to creating a conscious planet, while enriching and enhancing your own life by becoming an inspiration to those around you.
The program has two levels:
Yoga Dhyana Vidya Level 1
Yoga Dhyana Vidya Level 2
Both levels are online programs to be attended via the Buddha CEO App.
Yoga Dhyana Vidya Level 1
Course Duration: 60 hours
Course Dates: November 3rd - December 1st, 2024
Course Certification Fee: Rs 7,000
Prerequisite: Open to all
This course outlines a basic scientific understanding of how meditation transforms life. It consists of 3 modules:
Module 1: Daily Wisdom Sessions
You need to attend 21 days of daily wisdom sessions, either live or self-paced in the Buddha CEO App.
November 3rd - November 24th, 2024
6:00 AM - 7:30 AM IST
There will be 3 weekly assessments and 1 summative assessment during Modules 1 & 2.
Module 2: Daily Meditation Sessions
You need to attend 21 days of daily meditation sessions for 30 minutes, and additionally, complete 20 days of self-paced meditation practice using the Buddha CEO App.
Dates for Live sessions:
November 4th - November 24th, 2024
6:00 AM - 7:30 AM IST
Module 3: Weekly Interactive Practical Sessions
12 hours of interactive practicals through 4 weekly online live practical sessions (3 hours each). This module runs parallel to Modules 1 & 2.
This session consists of three parts:
Brief meditation
A one-hour talk on the week’s topics and presentation slides
Breakout room sessions for 1 hour, providing an opportunity to practice live teaching for 20-30 minutes on a chosen topic.
You’ll need a desktop/laptop for recording your live teaching. Submit your best recorded video by December 8th, 2024, as part of the evaluation for this module.
Dates & Schedule:
November 10th: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM IST (Sunday)
November 17th: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM IST (Sunday)
November 24th: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM IST (Sunday)
December 1st : 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM IST (Sunday)
After successfully completing all three modules, you’ll be awarded a certificate upon meeting the required criteria.
Yoga Dhyana Vidya Level 2
Course Duration: 65 hours
Course Dates: November 25th, 2024 - March 22nd, 2025
Course Certification Fee: Rs 8,000
Prerequisite: Certification in Yoga Dhyana Vidya Level 1
This course outlines an advanced scientific understanding of how meditation transforms life. It consists of 3 modules:
Module 1: Daily Wisdom Sessions
You need to attend 19 days of daily wisdom sessions, either live or self-paced in the Buddha CEO App.
November 25th - December 13th, 2024
6:00 AM - 7:30 AM IST
There will be 3 weekly assessments and 1 summative assessment after the end of this module.
Module 2: Daily Meditation Sessions
You need to attend 19 days of daily meditation sessions, either live or self-paced in the Buddha CEO App.
Dates for Live sessions:
November 25th - December 13th, 2024
6:00 AM - 7:30 AM IST
Module 3: Weekly Interactive Practical Sessions
12 hours of interactive practicals through 4 weekly online live practical sessions (3 hours each). This module runs parallel to Modules 1 & 2.
This session consists of three parts:
Brief meditation
A one-hour talk on the week’s topics and presentation slides
Breakout room sessions for 1+ hour, providing an opportunity to practice live teaching for 20-30 minutes on a chosen topic.
You’ll need a desktop/laptop for recording your live teaching. Submit your best recorded video by December 29th, 2024, as part of the evaluation for this module.
Dates & Schedule:
December 1st: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM IST (Sunday)
December 8th: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM IST (Sunday)
December 15th: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM IST (Sunday)
December 22nd: 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM IST (Sunday)
Module 4: Teaching & Facilitation Sessions
After completing the three modules above, you need to complete 20 hours of teaching or facilitation by conducting your own meditation sessions within a three-month timeframe. The deadline for this module is March 2025.
After successfully completing all four modules, you’ll be awarded a certificate upon meeting the required criteria.
Topics for Level 1:
Introduction to Meditation, Program Structure, Messages by Key Leaders
Heart Elevation process
Four components of meditation practice
Experiences of Meditation, How long, when and where to Meditate
Meditation develops the two fundamental attributes of creation
Meditation Fundamentals, Brain Waves, Conscious / Sub-conscious Mind programs
Books are Swift Shortcut to Enlightenment – Must read books
Vision of Buddha CEO Quantum Foundation inspired by grand master Bramharshi Patriji
Regularity in Meditation
How Meditation improves Physical Health & reduces stress
What and How do I recognise and experience Emptiness?
How Meditation Improves Energy & Youthfulness
How Meditation improves Emotional regulation and intelligence
How meditation improves mental well-being
Four agreements for greater relationships
"Thoughts Create Reality” – Quantum Physics Understanding
5 Steps of Manifestation Science
Reprogramming Limiting Beliefs
Spirituo-scientific mindset
Ikigai – how certain people live a longer life
Manifest an extraordinary life with meditation
Topics for Level 2:
What is Meditation, What is NOT Meditation
Residential Meditation Centers strengthen the meditation practice
Pyramid Energy and its application in daily life
Buddha’s Eight Fold Path
Progression through the four stages
Understand suffering through Law of Cause & Effect
Neuroscience: Learning to Doing to Being
Meditation improves Immunity, Youthfulness, Longevity
Master your emotions
Goal Setting & Creative Visualisation
Express Gratitude, Accept and Surrender
Learn more from people who are close to nature
Heal your relationship with yourself to heal relationships with others!
Understanding Purpose of Life / Career
Service to Others is Service unto Ourselves
Six Spiritual Science Laws


Founder, Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation
Entrepreneur, Former VP, IBM Corporation
Chandra Pulamarasetti, founder of Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation, is a successful entrepreneur, former Vice President at IBM Corporation, meditation coach, and board member /advisor of Pyramid Valley International, Quantum Life University & other.
Chandra Pulamarasetti attributes a lot of his success including the acquisition of his software company, to the powerful techniques based on meditation and manifestation.
Inspired and deeply transformed by the teachings of Brahmarshi Patriji, he has studied several masters from East and West including Dr. Joe Dispenza, Swami Rama, Neal Donald Walsh, Seth and many more. He has been practicing meditation for over 23 years now, teaches regularly to leaders and professionals, conducts multi-day meditation retreats and participates in several meditation service activities.
Chandra dreams of a spiritual world being established in the shortest possible time where every leader transforms into a Buddha-CEO and contributes to this cause significantly.

For Queries, Contact: +91 98862 59422