Buddha-CEO App | Buddha-CEO
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Buddha-CEO App

Your Meditation Companion

A Mobile & WEB app to enable an efficient learning experience for all courses and programs offered by the Buddha-CEO Quantum Foundation. ​

Designed to regularise and elevate your meditation journey, be it with live sessions, reminders, self-paced courses, or our guided meditation library.​


Seamlessly join live meditation sessions from your desktop or laptop browsers with larger enhanced visuals.

Mobile app

Download the Buddha-CEO App on your Android and iOS devices for convenient usage anytime anywhere.


Install the Buddha-CEO App today and start meditating with these useful features to aid your journey:

Live meditation Sessions: 

You can seamlessly join live meditation sessions from your desktop 

or laptop browsers and mobile devices ensuring a smoother experience during live sessions. ​

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Access Session recordings: 

Visit our web page to seamlessly join live meditation sessions from your desktop 

or laptop browsers, ensuring a smoother experience during live sessions. ​

Guided meditation and Wisdom Library: 

Explore our rich library of guided meditations and wisdom content that has already provided transformative experience to thousands. Our meditations range from 10 min to 2 hours covering topics like health and manifestation.

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Track Your Progress:

Consistency is key, and with our "My Progress" feature, you can track your daily meditation time and session attendance. Stay motivated and on track as you cultivate your practice.​

Session Reminders: 

Never miss out on a session. Once you register for a course on the App, you will receive reminder notifications before the session.  

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Self-Paced courses: 

Dive into self-paced courses and deepen your spiritual science understanding at your own pace.

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Install the Buddha-CEO App today and start meditating with these useful features to aid your journey:

Upcoming PREMIUM Features:

Take a quick glance at these exciting new premium features coming up soon on the Buddha-CEO App. 

Chat bot –  

Seek answers to any questions that may arise during your meditation practice or learning process with our Intelligent chatbot. The bot is trained with the wisdom of the masters.  

Gamification –

Add fun and motivation to your learning and meditation practices through our

gamified challenges and measurements.

Meditation timer –

Make regular meditation practice a breeze with the meditation scheduler and timer. 

Recommendations -

No browsing through loads of meditation and wisdom videos, find personalized recommendations

on next steps on your transformation journey. App will recommend which course or event to go

next or which practice or exercise to take up next to reinforce your learning. 

Payments –

Pay for the Premium courses, features or events directly through the app

How to use the Buddha-CEO app?

How to Get Started on the App: 

1. Download the Buddha-CEO App from Android & IOS or go to the WEB App. 
2. Register on the app with the same email id that you use for registering on Buddha-CEO courses. 
3. On the App , go to ​
4. Once enrolled,  dive into live sessions, track your progress, and explore exclusive content! 


1. How can I use the app from my laptop / desktop?

You can use the Buddha-CEO app from your laptop or desktop with our Web app link. Currently, you can only join live meditation sessions from the home page, and track your progress. More features to be updated soon. ​

For now, simply visit www.app.buddhaceo.org , log in to your account and start your meditation journey seamlessly on the big screen.

1. How can I use the app from my laptop / desktop? You can use the Buddha-CEO app from your laptop or desktop with our Web app link. Currently, you can only join live meditation sessions from the home page, and track your progress. More features to be updated soon. ​ ​ For now, simply visit www.app.buddhaceo.org , log in to your account and start your meditation journey seamlessly on the big screen.

2. The volume in the session is very less/non-existent.  Make sure the MEDIA volume, not call volume on your device is turned UP. You can find it in your device volume settings. For live meditation sessions, we encourage you to use headphones/earphones for an immersive experience.

3. I attended the session for few minutes. But my attendance is not showing up.​ ​ The Buddha-CEO App tracks your attendance when you join via Zoom, the mobile app, or web app. Watching YouTube Live won't mark your attendance. We recommend using the app for consistent tracking of your meditation practice.​ ​ If you miss a session, you can watch the recordings later on the app to have your attendance marked.

4. Can I register with different email-ids across the app, courses and Zoom? Make sure to use the SAME email to sign up on the mobile & web apps, register for courses on the Buddha-CEO website, and, if needed, to join Zoom sessions.​ This helps avoid errors and ensures smooth session access from the Buddha-CEO App. It also streamlines the tracking process for better efficiency.

5. I am not able to see/get notifications. Go to the notification settings on your device and give notification permission to the Buddha-CEO App. ​ ​ Please note that you will receive notifications only if you register for your preferred course ON the Buddha-CEO App

6. How do I register for a course on the Buddha-CEO App? You can register for a course on Buddha-CEO mobile app or web app in couple of ways,​ 1) By tapping on a COURSE LIVE card on home page which will take you to the course registration page . 2) By tapping on PROGRAMS menu option and selecting the course card that you would like to register to. ​ ​ Both these paths will take you to course overview page where you will see a REGISTER button. Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email with details of the program. ​

7. Is the App free or should I pay?​ The App is currently free of cost (to install and use) and shall remain so for all FREE programs like the 40d program, 21d program etc. ​ ​ For paid courses and certificate fee, please pay on the Buddha-CEO website. Your details will then be synced to the app once you register on the App as well. Soon, you'll be able to pay directly from the app for added convenience.​ Stay tuned for Premium features coming soon to the Buddha-CEO App! Unlock these cool features with a subscription fee paid directly from the app.

8. Can I access the app from multiple devices using the same account? Yes, you will be able to log into the Buddha-CEO App from your Android/IOS devices and the Web App. ​ ​ Please make sure you are using the same email id to sign up across devices to ensure that your meditation time and progress is correctly reflected.

9. I am unable to find the course I registered for. ​ On the Buddha-CEO App home page, go to PROGRAMS.​ ​ Under MY COURSES , you will find the all the courses you registered for on the App. ​Under COURSES, you will find all the current COURSES categorised as ACTIVE, UPCOMING AND SELF-PACED. In case a course does not appear here, chances are it is yet to be created on the App, and will be created soon. Please check back after a few days.

10. Is there a way to track my progress within the app? Yes, you can track your progress on the app with the “MY PROGRESS” feature. If you meditate for more than 30 minutes using the app, you will start a meditation streak !​ A Streak is continuous daily meditations and a streak of multiple continuous days will have a recognition badge displayed.​ ​ Additionally, you can view your daily, weekly, and monthly meditation time. If you attend any courses on the app, your progress, including sessions attended and missed, is displayed in the "MY PROGRESS" section.

11. Can I use the App without internet? You will NOT be able to use the app offline. However you can download the session recordings from your registered courses and view them offline on the app. ​ ​ To do this, keep the app open, download your video, switch off your data and watch the video without closing the app or going back to a different page on the App.​ ​ If you close the app while offline, you will not be able to open and view it.

12. Is the app available in multiple languages?​ ​ The app is only available in English . However, the app hosts courses taught in multiple languages.​ ​

Contact Us:

Need further assistance or facing challenges with the app? Reach out to us at:

Mobile: +91 96069 57285 / 84 / +1(314) 640-4196 (USA)

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